Book design and illustrations for the Internationalist Commune of Rojava. Make Rojava Green Again is an introduction to the social ecology of the Rojava Revolution - a vision and a manual for what a free, ecologically harmonious society can look like. Rojava is the Kurdish area located in Northern Syria where people are developing one of the most important revolutions of our time. In the midst of a devastating civil war, maintained by the Turkish and Syrian governments and Isis, Kurdish people are building a multi-cultural society based on feminism, direct democracy and ecology. Through social ecology, the book argues that, only when we end the hierarchical relations between human beings (men over women, young over old, one ethnicity or religion over another, etc.) will we be able to heal our relationship with the natural world.
All proceeds from sales of the book, published by Dog Section Press, support the work of the Internationalist Commune of Rojava.